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Skinners Food.. Reviews ??

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Anyone used Skinners feild and Trail before ???


Thought I might give the pup a go on this..




Dogs 7 months.. dose get plenty Beef,tripe & chicken its just an extra..


They seem to have a substantial range of alternative grade kibble.


I had half a freezer full of meat and wanted free delivery, so this will bluk my order up to £50 and i will get free delivery :icon_redface:


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I use the Duck & Rice one and my Labrador looks healthy enough and not an ounce of fat on him...well for a lab that is :D


Lot cheaper than some of the other ones out there.

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When I got my dog 3 years ago he was being fed on Hills science plan. It was costing me 40 quid per sack compared with the Skinners which was £22 at the time now £26.


I also found he was suffering for dry flaky skin. I got advised on here to try Skinners duck and rice as it is hypoallergenic and it has definitely made an improvement. he's got a cracking coat and an excellent build for a Labrador very lean with good toned muscles and plenty of energy. He still has a little dry skin when I brush him but no where as bad as when he was on Hills. We mix in scraps in to his food and I try to give him oily fish when I can afford it to help because even though they advertise that the food has oils in them I doubt they are as good as they get from real food.


I think you've got the right idea feeding a mixture of meat and dry food...wish we could do the same but I don't have the freezer space for it.


Edit: Also his stools are very firm which must be a good sign for his health, if I ever run out and give him off the shelf dry pet food like baxters or pedegree his stools are soft and much lighter coloured and they don't look healthy at all.

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Aye it dose look decent grade food..


I wonder how much difference it would make for older dogs feeding that Turkey & Rice with Joint Aid ??


Old bitch is nine and gets a bit stiff after hard graft might give her a wirl on that come the season..

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